Excessive generation: character generation has been an acute problem for a long time now. citing a world bank report, the united states are responsible for generating 250 million tons of waste annually. Evidently, it has the highest per capita waste generation of about 4.6 pounds per day. Considering these figures, a: the average citizen in the United States wastes 1,200 pounds of waste per year. This waste disposed can be potential compost material and kept from 4.
And the price is $ since the 60's. The amount of waste collected has tripled leaving us with a greater burden. Bay in day-out use throw as much waste to fill aroljn6 60,000 garbage trucks. the severity of the ti4e problem appears acute when we extrapolate data from the US to the rest of the world. citing the report again, per-capita waste disposal is expected to rise to 1.5 kilograms per day by 2025. considering today's 1.2 kilogram a day, this is a 15.5 percent 25% increase.
Landfill problems: leachate and hazardous greenhouse gas emissions are often linked to landfills. a closer look at the qualitative content of the waste produced reveals that most of the ingredients that end up as waste contain toxic materials. gradually this toxic substance settles and breaks away from the ground.
Eventually enter the ground water and make them dangerous and unfit for consumption for years to come. organic matter. compacted as a result of this. covered without exposure to the soil. this affects the natural aerobic process of av decomposition inhibiting oxygen through the closure of organic matter. this contributes to the production of flammable. unwanted and dangerous greenhouse gases such as deadly methane for living organisms.
Waste toxicity: Tonnes of toxic waste produced each year, amounting to about 440 million tons, give us a peek into a much bigger problem. the average American produces about 3200 pounds of hazardous waste. this includes all sorts of materials - fluid. solid, containing gas. mud. Disposable commercial products such as pesticides and cleaning fluids and by-products from the manufacturing process. uranium seems to be a rather common toxin, with united states that have billions of gau.ons of groundwater contaminated by it. US studies show 63.5 million tons of radioactive material, where uranium comes from the most prominent nuclear fuel, buried in landfills, trenches and unlined tanks.
Wrong handling: Since waste management has evolved into a profit-making enterprise, people who argue in favor of safe and effective waste-management techniques have been overtaken by new industries waiting to invest in this business. every industry, including the waste management sector, has been the victim of organized corruption - whether it is controlled by a particular individual or through systematic looting. these companies do not pay attention to environmental impact and do not seem to understand the severity of this problem.
Plenty of plastic: About 8 million metric tons of plastic ends up in the oceans each year which is equivalent to five plastic trash bags for every foot of the coastline around the world. only 9 percent are recycled. most - 79 percent - accumulates in landfills or wasted in the natural environment as waste and at some point, most end up in the ocean, sinking the end. using world bank data in 192 coastal states, the researchers estimate China, the most populous country. has the most frequently managed plastic waste per year and also produces the most plastic debris that ends up in the ocean by 28 percent. Wrong mismanagement means that the material is littered or disposed of incorrectly - meaning there is no formal managed waste management system.

Swachhcoin wants to revolutionize the waste management industry using blockchain technology, IoT, adaptive intelligence, large data, and other advanced technologies. The goal is to maximize value creation from global household waste. Clearly, wasting is becoming an increasingly important issue in our modern world. We produce too much waste, and all that waste needs to be changed or stored safely. Swachhcoin aims to address this problem while improving profitability and efficiency in the waste management industry.
"Around the world, mankind is facing big problems from too much waste and scarcity of resources. The amount of waste produced continues to increase over the years and this trend is expected to continue aggressively. According to some estimates, global annual waste generation is expected to reach around 2.5 Billion Tonnes before 2030. "
The amount of waste is not really the case: the problem is we're not very good at converting waste into usable materials: "The amount of waste recycled or processed to make a useful product out of it completely fails to catch the level of waste," explains the official Swachhcoin whitepaper. Of course, solving the core problems of the global waste management industry is not an easy task. How does Swachhcoin plan to solve this problem?

Swachhcoin understands that many people will not change the waste simply because of their kindness; on the contrary, people need financial incentives to do so. With that in mind, Swachhcoin strives to provide incentives to monetarily people to dispose of their waste properly.
With that goal, Swachhcoin will create a global ecosystem that uses large data, blockchain technology, adaptive intelligence, internet of things (IoT) and other technologies to optimize the waste management industry. This ecosystem will revolve around the use of the Swachh Token.
Some of the core functions of the Swachhcoin platform include: Users will receive monetary incentives in exchange for managing their waste properly (under traditional models, users must pay for waste to be collected responsibly from their homes); Waste treatment will produce at least 20 different outputs; Swachhcoin will use four advanced technologies, including AI, big data, IoT, and blockchain; The platform will integrate autonomous philanthropic work.
The company has repeatedly mentioned its plans to integrate blockchain technology, IoT data, and processing large AI data onto its platform, for example, but there are some specific details of how they plan to do that. Here's how the company describes the use of blockchain technology, for example: "Blockchain: All Swachhcoin will be based on blockchain technology and fulled by Swachh Token."

Swachhcoin seeks to align the Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Internet stuff with Blockchain technology so that anyone and everyone can contribute and tackle the greatest challenges we face around the world.
SWATEL: Swachh Adaptive Intelligence: Refers to the application of Adaptive Intelligence technology tailored to improve efficiency in operations, especially in waste treatment to produce the desired output by making the equipment 'smart'.
SWATA: Swachh Big data: Refers to the Big Data specific application to enable advanced method integration during transportation, collection, and distribution of inputs and outputs and automated machine decisions based on past experience.
SWIOT: Swachh Internet of Things: Refers to a special application of the Internet of Things to enable complete remote access and control of indoor and outdoor waste processing equipment and thereby enables dramatic improvement in efficiency.
SWBIN: Swachh Bins: Refers to a garbage collection collection designed by Swachhcoin that features features such as but not limited to, automatic closing and closing, user identity related databases, gift distribution, integrated waste sorting, etc.
Swachhcoin comes in the form of a digital currency named SCX. The SCX Token will go on sale on May 5, 2018 to May 20, 2018, at a price of 1 SCX equivalent to 0.075 USD. The token purchase itself can be done with foreign digial currency such as BTC, ETH, XPR and LTC. Do not forget, get also purchase bonuses at certain time period.

Swachhcoin itself is the result of teamwork led by Aditya Kumar, Swachhcoin is led by founder and CEO Aditya Kumar along with co-founder and COO Prashant Chaturvedi. Aditya is a Kolkata-based businessman based in India with a background in earth science and environmental services. He created Swachhcoin in 2016.
Other registered team members include Aditya Vikram Singh (Chief Financial Officer), Siddela Sarat Kumar (Chief R & D Officer), Naman Jain (Chief Marketing Officer), Kuruva Saiteja (Chief Relations Officer), Deep Ranjan Gupta (Chief Technical Officer) , and Hemant Verma (Chief Strategy Officer).
So that' s all our ICO project review for this time, hopefully can increase your knowledge in choosing the best project ICO to you invest. If you are interested in joining this project, or intend to buy a token in the sale. You can visit their official website and page below:
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