Minggu, 17 Juni 2018

Global REIT - Generate from Property. Enjoy Instant, Monthly Dividend

Real estate investing is an increasingly profitable method of wealth building, and there are many ways for individuals to invest in real estate. However, the traditional real estate investment model has big barriers to entry. They create a heavy burden in regards to the financial and regulatory aspects attached to them and make unfeasible investments for most potential investors.

 For example, if you want to own real estate assets in a foreign country, in addition to the significant capital needed to buy the asset itself, you usually need to include local entities as investment partners because investments by foreign investors are limited in most jurisdictions.

You must also comply with all legal requirements including but not limited to taxes, accounting, and ongoing registration obligations that have significant costs associated with it. Furthermore, there are restrictions on the types of property funds investors can invest, limiting options and developers access to capital. Foreign direct investment also has a vulnerability attached to it in terms of macroeconomic and macroeconomic conditions in each country.

One of the most talked about topics in the financial services industry today is the blockchain and is the biggest market annoyance today. Originally designed to facilitate, authorize, and record the transfer of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrency is digital money that uses blockchain technology to facilitate secure and anonymous transactions. Today's statistics show the crypto currency market capitalization at US $ 502.375,504,565 with block chain technology functioning as its backbone. This combination is increasingly linked to industries with anticipation to revolutionize traditional approaches to business and gain benefits including cost reductions, faster settlement and increased transparency.

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Global REIT (Global Real Estate Investment Trus) is an online blockchain platform designed to offer alternative investment opportunities for Cryptocurrency Real Estate investors. The platform serves as a trust company that will claim ownership or provide finance for a business entity and may be owned publicly or privately. All platform activities involve long-term investments that generate revenue depending on rental collection, interest in financing and proceeds from the sale of managed assets. In addition, the site offers its users access to all Assets under Future Management, with liquid out plans for Real Estate holders.

The REIT Global platform offers its members a variety of tools to enhance its functionality and for better interaction across platforms: Reward points rewards in some Loyalty Programs under Assets under Management (AUS) to access free limited services; A portfolio of global REIT assets that will include assets acquired globally; Gret and Grem tokens to increase participation in Fund Management Income and dividend collection.

The main distinctive features of REIT are: REITs is a platform for diversifying long-term investment portfolios; Revenue from REIT is generated through the lease earned from the portfolio of its assets, interest earned by financing the real estate assets or proceeds of sale on the sale of managed assets (AUM); 90% of revenue generated by REIT is distributed as a dividend to its shareholders; REITs that are publicly registered are liquid investment vehicles.

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Global REIT will use Blockchain and will be interesting for the following: A crypto investor looking for a stable dividend; A crypto investor who wants to invest in real estate assets; Holders of Real Estate Assets wishing to exit into the liquid market in the crypto domain; REIT who want to take advantage of the existing chain link framework.

REIT Global Vision is to create a portfolio of global real estate investments that will offer additional benefits than traditional REIT by establishing REIT into Block Chain Technology. Global REIT will begin offering its investors at its base in Dubai, U.A.E. and then growing rapidly around the world. Companies are looking at cryptocurrency investors who want to invest simultaneously in real estate and earn regular dividends and, real estate holders who want to get out into the liquid market anchored by cryptocurrency, as their primary target to participate in the REIT Global platform.

At Global REIT, we aim to create true diversification across different classes of real estate assets to enable users to invest seamlessly into a broad asset-backed portfolio. Our vision is to not only revolutionize the REIT industry in focused region and geography, but to create diverse and dynamic platforms for assets from REIT range around the world to connect, opening up a wave of potential cross-investments and opportunities worldwide.

The REIT Global platform, in essence, serves to publish real estate assets and distribute dividends to all participants and investors. The core modules that enable this are: 1) Asset Management Module; 2) Compliance and Security Module; 3) Transaction Module.

GlobalREIT Infrastructure, and in particular the Asset Management Module, is built on the Ethereum network. Asset holders and REITS worldwide can register their assets with our Investment Managers, bring assets under our management and in turn are listed for widespread investment opportunities in our platform. GlobalREIT will run an in-depth background check and follow all KYC compliance with the evaluator before registering any property.

Investors will have a list of highly diversified world-class assets to choose from all the details listed on platforms such as exchange rates, NAVs, dividends, hold intervals, and minimum investments. This comprehensive view will give investors comparative surveillance into investment opportunities unlike REIT or other platforms before, thereby opening up a new wave of potential investments.

Global REIT comes in the form of a digital currency named GREM, GRET. GREM Tokens, GRET will go on sale from May 15, 2018 to May 30, 2018, at 3571 GREM tokens & 750 GRET tokens equivalent to 1000 USD. The token purchase itself can be done with foreign currency such as BTC and ERC-20. Do not forget, get also purchase bonuses at certain time period.

Global REIT itself is the result of teamwork established by Ali Tumbi, Global REIT strives to provide their best capabilities in this project. In addition, the team also strives to provide the best benefits and services, to anyone interested in joining the project.

Global REIT has been designed and created by a team of highly experienced technology experts. Team members bring together expertise that gives them an in-depth understanding of the challenges many crypto companies face including legal, regulatory and compliance issues.

So that's all for review our ICO project for this time, hopefully can increase your knowledge in choosing the best project ICO to you invest. If you are interested in joining this project, or intend to buy a token in the sale. You can visit their official website and page below:

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