Cybercrime is becoming a fast growing market that offers huge profits and minimal risk. According to a report published by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the annual damage caused by cybercrime to the economy is in the range of 375-575 billion USD, exceeding the GDP of many countries around the world.
The advent of new technology has enabled a more sophisticated way to do cybercrime. "Cybercrime is a tax on innovation and slowing the pace of global innovation by reducing returns to innovators and investors," Jim Lewis of CSIS said in a statement.
Among the various types of cyber crime, internet fraud holds a special place. While most types of cybercrime use technical methods (computer hacking, intercepting data, etc.), Scamming is done through psychological and intellectual methods, that is, through misuse of trust, when people themselves choose to transfer funds to perpetrators.
Techniques for technical protection against cyber threats exist and are being developed (for example, anti-virus software); However, there is only one effective protection method that works against Internet fraud - always be vigilant.

Nowadays, every user should be careful online so as not to get caught in a trap made by a fraudster to steal money. Phishing, spoofing, investment fraud, financial pyramids, fake online stores - it takes only one mistake or hasty action to inflict irrevocable financial losses.
In the cryptocurrency market, it's out of hand. There is still no state regulator to help matters, and this event is run by scammy ICO, phishing sites and cheat exchanges.
Internet cheating is constantly adapting, acting as a virus that attacks the community and secretly infects everything around it. As a result, everyone loses: online users lose money, leading projects lose investment and the overall industry lost reputation.
The most important thing to destroy is the trust that people give to each other. That's why we decided to set up the CryptoPolice platform, which will act as an anti-virus and protect the community from fraud. This system will provide a sense of security for everyone in these markets. And that is needed here and now.
CryptoPolice will try to find the truth on the internet by using many sources. Anyone will be able to submit suspicious facts for investigation. This fact will undergo multi-level verification, which means that many "Officers" will evaluate it using factual data and consensus will form the answer.
This will help in the creation of the "WatchDog" system, which will form a list of scams and help the community to always be informed about possible frauds that may occur in the market or even lies or other fraud.
Basically, this is a company that uses what people call wisdom. People from the community can register as Officers to use facts to prove that something is a scam or not.
Interested people know pay for tokens and the investigating Officer gets a token for their work. This will double the system in which people can earn money to find the truth and benefit everyone.
The decentralized algorithm assists in verifying the decentralized multi-level data and uses many results found by the Officer to ensure, with the help of artificial intelligence, that no false results are found by the system.
The CryptoPolice platform has many products. The main product of this platform is the WatchDog system, which is specifically created to inform platform users about suspicious objects or activities that are passed on many different channels. The company explained that the WatchDog system works in a way similar to how antivirus works.
The company also has a special escrow that uses smart contracts to enhance the security of ICO and can work using deep customization so there are many different ways to use this. CryptoPolice maintains a scam database that can be used to verify faster if an object is a scam or not. Also, it has a project database that contains data about many cryptocurrency projects and can help users to get information.
Finally, the company also intends to create an academy so that users can have training that can be used to detect internet fraud and fraud and thereby increase community knowledge about this type of problem.
Investors here can be different types. If you are a person with too much Internet authenticity knowledge, you can use it by investing your time in the system. Every internet user can be an officer (there are some requirements required for it).
Working as an officer You can earn thousands of digital coins that you can use in internet transactions. Unlike other digital currencies, CryptoPolice has its own smart contract for ICO. This means a lot to investors. If the currency or system is not working, all investments will be refunded.
CryptoPolice ICO has many different features. The first guarantees the safety of the initial investor, which means that his investment will be guaranteed to be returned if the system fails. Secondly, CryptoPolice allows users to get authentic information about internet-related materials as well as allowing simple internet users to become officers in the internet police who will investigate the authenticity of different currencies as well.

Cryptopolice comes in the form of a digital currency named OFCR. The OFCR token will go on sale from May 15, 2018 to May 28, 2018, at a price of 1 OFCR equivalent to 0.060 USD. The token purchase itself can be done with foreign currency such as ETH and BTC. Do not forget, get also purchase bonuses at certain time period.
The CryptoPolice team led by Arturs Rasnacis and CryptoPolice is a team that is familiar with like-minded people who have developed various IT products for over two years to successfully confirm their high level of professionalism. This team involves experienced specialists who have been in IT for more than 5 years. Our specialists are active participants of the crypto community; among us there are experienced blockchain developers, crypto project writers and crypto investors.
So our ICO project review this time, hopefully can increase your knowledge in choosing the best project ICO to you invest. If you are interested in joining this project, or intend to buy a token in the sale. You can visit their official website and page below:
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