Selasa, 22 Mei 2018

"HiHealth" Unique AI-Based Medical Application

Only in the United States and the EU, hundreds of thousands of patients die every year because of a doctor's diagnostic error. The economic costs associated with complications encountered in prescribed wrongful drugs are over $ 100 billion per year.

The main reasons for misdiagnosis are as follows: Doctors specialize in particular organs or organism systems and often can not see the whole picture; Lack of experience and physician problems in knowledge often lead to situations, when rare diseases can not be identified; The lack of time that doctors have to analyze the medical history, the reason is the high doctor's workload (appointment with the patient) and also the documentation takes a lot of time.

Complexity in the definition of disease according to X-rays, CT, MRI studies, histologic examinations during non-standard types of disease, and also a high dependence on subjective experience by an expert; Based on the artificial intelligence of neural networks it will be possible to make a large number of differences in the field of medical diagnosis.

The need for health services continues to increase in the world due to environmental damage, using chemical and hormonal components in food production and many other factors. The population of the Earth is increasing and more and more people are in need of medical help. Nowadays in many areas of the world there is an acute shortage of qualified health personnel.

While in post-Soviet countries the density in the concerned medical institutions is a serious problem, in many Asian countries (including Japan, China and India) the situation is disastrous, because the number of patients there is over 1000 per day per doctor. Taking into account the current trends, among which are the increase in world population and increased morbidity levels, the shortage of health workers in the medium to long term will only increase.

In this case, the most serious situation is for many vulnerable and vulnerable groups of healthcare consumers. They are parents and also people living with serious and chronic diseases, with locomotor disorders. It is difficult for them to go to a health center to undergo regular medical examinations and stand in a long line waiting for a diagnosis. Density in medical institutions also exacerbates the risk of virus or the spread of infectious diseases, especially during the epidemic.

Equally important is one more fact, that excessive medical content increases the risk of telling the wrong diagnosis and treatment. It's important, sometimes fatal to the patient, the consequences. It can cause problems related to heart or arterial hypertension with complications that cause myocardial infarction and humiliation.

Currently about 235 million people suffer from asthma according to WHO. This is the most common chronic disease among children. In 2015 382 thousand people die of asthma. The cause of the disease has not been fully explored, but a large number of medical personnel connect bronchial asthma with an allergic reaction to environmental damage. It is possible to assume, that in case of preserving the current environmental situation, the number of people suffering from this disease will increase.

In most cases asthma is a terminal illness, but the provision of medical assistance has been done correctly and the right medicine for the right person is prescribed, it can be controlled to provide a good quality of life. In the modern world, one of the reasons for inadequate treatment of bronchial asthma is the ability to detect illness due to the low level of accessibility of medical care.

Every year about 17.5 million people die from cardiovascular disease, 7.4 million of whom die from coronary heart disease. In the US, 18% of GDP is spent on treatment systems. According to American colleagues, if the speed of its development is the same, in the near future it will be necessary to spend more than 40% of the GDP of the United States for heart surgery. In general, the future of heart surgery is the prophylaxis of the disease and its complications. That is why cardiovascular disease prophylaxis is one of the most important and cost-effective ways of maintaining the health of the population.

Statistically, heart disease as the cause of death is ahead compared to all other diseases. That's why heart disease is part of a zone that gets special attention, and it's important not only for doctors and academics, but also for the residents themselves to draw attention to this issue. Among 100,000 people, 330 men and 154 women die every year only from myocardial infarction, and 204 men and 151 women die from scolding.

In total mortality in cardiovascular disease Russia made 57%. Every year 1 million 300 thousand people die from cardiovascular disease in Russia, it is the population of major metropolitan cities. The greatest part of this situation is coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension with its complications (myocardial infarction and insults). Coronary heart disease is one of the most dangerous diseases, which accounts for one of the highest rates of death from circulatory system diseases.

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Hi: Health is a global ecosystem analyst based on artificial intelligence. Personal ecosystem to diagnose the human body in real time. Applying medical reports to a large number of patients, as well as indicators of health control tools, we teach artificial intelligence to ensure the early diagnosis of different diseases and to determine the unidentified causal relationship between organ function and body system and disease outbreaks.

AI will be able to analyze a few aberrations, which humans can not take note of, and also to get more accurate survey results (eg, electrocardiogram) generated from cleaning the device from noise. Also with Al's help it would be possible to monitor the effectiveness of treating in real time and correct doctor prescription. Primarily, Hi: Health will work with early detection of these diseases, raising concerns of WHO and other international organizations around the world that deal with health issues.

It's about cardiovascular disease (including coronary heart disease and hypertension that is often the cause of infarction and scolding), asthma. To get a better insight into the diagnostics, we'll use gadgets and mobile apps for taking surveys in real time, much like ECGs. In addition, we are in the process of collecting data based on DNA testing. This will help ensure early diagnosis of prospective parents, including testing for compatibility, to do more detailed planning of pregnancy, to recognize possible signs of hereditary disease.

All this will be possible not during intrauterine diagnosis, but during the preparation stage of conception. To verify users, to provide medical confidentiality, to secure data storage, transfer of information between physicians and patients, as well as to test the authenticity of diagnostic tools, Blockchain - Ethereum and the decentralized file-sharing service Ethereum swarm will be used. The HIH Token is a Ethereum token, which can be accepted as a means of payment for paying for medical services, medical equipment (gadgets) connected to HI: Health ecosystem. Also you can make money for your personal health. All HI-connected users: Health ecosystems undertake to collect HIH tokens during payment for any medical services provided by the doctor, during the purchase of medical equipment (gadgets), when the patient regains.

Ecosystem for Business: Insurance companies receive more accurate calculations of the possibility of an insured event. Increase their profits by minimizing the risk of paying insurance premiums. Selling health insurance through application; Pharmaceutical companies receive statistical reports on the sale of medicines, localized disease (urban) and the effects of drugs on a person. To personalize treatment, data can be obtained from a DNA database about a person's predisposition to a particular disease according to his geographic residence.

Clinics improve methods of treatment and prevention of human diseases; Research centers and developers can use the benefits of data mining (detecting titles in the database) to get patterns. In today's global competition, knowledge of the patterns found can provide additional benefits.

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In the process of setting up and implementing an agreement relationship among the following platform components: Client software (Hi: Hi-patient Health: Doctor-Health, Hi: Healthcare Business) .Used to include information reference point information from the deal, creating the necessary smart contracts and manage the contract-smart state on the manual steps of business processes. It should also be noted that under the manual steps of a business process can include both steps, where the actual "private" user action is required, for example, attached to a document-smart contract, and completely different steps, at where changes from the intelligent contract status are made without using its internal logic (outside Blockchain). The latter case is also relevant to examine the intelligent contract documents that are inherent in accordance with the hospital's accounting system. Checks can be automatic, but outside Blockchain.

Files attached to smart contracts are signed with the help of EDS reinforced (certified electronic signatures) by the creator for unambiguously relevant legal identification. Then the file is encrypted by creating a Crypto Package, which is available remarkably to the parties involved in a transaction. Obtained in the end the Crypto Package is inserted into the DFS (Distributed File System), in this case, in the context of the smart-contract hash of the stored source file, as well as the address (link, manifest) of the storage site previously assigned to DFS (Distributed File System) . The storage address allows to issue Crypto Package from DFS (Distributed File System), to decrypt it (to the parties involved in the transaction) and process it correctly.

During processing transactions, smart contracts can use Oraclize Broadcast information, for example, can read data from gadgets, control the date of receipt of transactions in accordance with the calendar, using exchange rates, geolocation, ambient temperature, etc.

To achieve external requests, as long as the transition to a certain status, the smart-contract may lead to the Provider a particular question about the expected external event or a warrant for the execution of an external action. When "booked" by external contract-savvy events appear, the provider directly transacts with information about the event. According to the results of this transaction processing, the intelligent contract may switch to a new status or remain in anticipation of the following sequence of events.

Just as external demand, while embedded in a smart contract-specific document contract, intelligent contracts can point it to Hi: Health AI for analysis. Then anticipate the transaction with the results of the analysis will follow.

HiHealth comes in the form of a digital currency named HiH. The HiH Token will go on sale on April 9, 2018 to May 20, 2018, at a price of 1 HiH equivalent to 0.00004. The token purchase itself can be done with foreign digial currency such as ETH. Do not forget, get also purchase bonuses at certain time period.

HiHealth itself is the result of teamwork led by Aleksandr Potkin and a team that strives to provide their best capabilities in this project. In addition, the team also strives to provide the best benefits and services, to anyone interested in joining the project.

So that' s all our ICO project review this time, hopefully can increase your knowledge in choosing the best project ICO to you invest. If you are interested in joining this project, or intend to buy a token in the sale. You can visit their official website and page below:

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