Jumat, 01 Juni 2018

CryptoSolarTech - Blockchain with Solar Energy

The international climate talks in Paris set an ambitious goal: limiting global warming to 2 ° C by 2100. Achieving that goal will require an additional investment of $ 1 trillion annually through 2050 in clean energy and other sustainability projects. But the current level of investment is still far below the target level, which is also a major concern in the UNFCCC Cop23 ("World climate conference") talks in Bonn. As the public sector is struggling to advance financing, pressure on the private sector increased as discussions in Bonn showed

Electricity and heat from coal, oil and gas account for 25% of the world's greenhouse gases. In addition to being a major source of harmful CO2 emissions, fossil fuels are a non-renewable natural resource. In contrast, renewable energy such as wind and solar power can be constantly replenished - and they do not damage the environment. They also present a powerful business opportunity. With 2040 renewable energy will attract up to 60% of total investment in global power generation capacity ($ 11.4 trillion) according to Bloomberg estimates of New Energy Finance.

The latest energy is becoming the preferred way to mine digital currencies such as Bitcoin and other Altcoin because of price spikes and the industry is seeking more computing power or hash power with the best electricity costs. While traditional fuels such as coal remain a necessity for many utility networks, large miners include Bitmain Technologies Ltd, HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd. and Bitfury Group is tapping into clean power in places like Canada, Iceland and Paraguay - and luring investors worried about the carbon footprint industry.

Now you can do it in Spain, the first place in the world that has developed and implemented the latest model of solar energy system globally as we know it today.

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Cryptosolartech is a new blockchain company that invests in solar energy and currently has Initial Coin Offering (ICO). The company is formed due to problems in the cryptocurrency industry: it is currently very energy consuming to mine cryptocurrency.

The life of cryptocurrency, the company insists, is directly related to electricity, so it is very inconvenient that they have to spend so much energy to work and this may cause some future problems that might affect their capacity to survive and continue to be useful.

Due to this problem, Cryptosolartech decided to look for a solution: create a solar photovoltaic pool capable of producing 45,000 kW, which can be used to supply the entire mining field. A company called Respira Energía will then buy this energy produced by Cryptosolartech and use it. The company uses only clean energy and its production is 100% carbon-free (CO2).

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The company currently has ICO to create its own cryptocurrency and get the funds to be used in the installation of 3,000 equipment to be used to mine cryptocurrency. Installation will take place in Seville, Spain. The energy will be sold to Respira Energía and other power companies. Respira Energía has signed a 15-year contract with Cryptosolartech.

Token will be created using Ethereum technology, this token can be used to hold. You hold it and you will be able to profit with the company when it sells energy that will be generated and sold in the market. Companies can be considered profitable because their production costs are not as high as using standard electrical energy. The operation will begin in April 2019.

CryptoSolarTech is a worldwide pioneering project whose sole purpose is to design, build, maintain and operate multiple solar farms aimed at mine cryptoassets, for all customer profiles. The solar & miner plant will be located in the South of Spain, taking advantage of the good weather in Spain, which allows obtaining the abundant and abundant photovoltaic energy that will be used to start this project. This farm will initially be equipped with up to 3,000 miners.

This hash power will be leased to the token holder to have access to the facility to mine their selected crypto assets between the different portfolios offered by CryptoSolarTech at any time and at the same time get a special discounted price from the miner's power consumption.

Cryptosolartech is a full-service mining services provider. Cryptosolartech offers turnkey solar & mining services tailored to clients' needs: various mining services from hosting, maintenance and repair to personal blockchain services related to token ownership.

Cryptosolartech, is a digital asset classified as a Utility token (granting access to certain Cryptosolartech services, acting as a reward / incentive instrument) with payment functions (revoked from any claim on publishers) inside and restricted to the tokenized ecosystem of Cryptosolartech.

Cryptosolartech Token or CST ownership will indicate the permissions to rent a fraction of the crypto mining as mentioned above. Initially, the location of the photovoltaic plant will be in the province of Seville (Spain), and the mining farm will be in Malaga (Spain) in the industrial warehouse that has been activated for this activity.

CryptoSolarTech Smart Contract Guarantee, Transparency - Balance. Information about the number of tokens held by any user is public. Transfer. All information about transfers is public and can be traced back to the past; Ownership - Coverage: Only Ethereum users and contracts can be holders of tokens. Uniqueness. Each token is owned by one user owner. No token is shared. Right to transfer. Tokens may be transferred to other users only by direct order from the owner or by receiver orders authorized directly by the owner. No token transfers can be made by other users.

Token supply - Exclusive issues. Only one user, the contract owner, can issue tokens; Contract management - Replacement. Contract owners may waive ownership in favor of other Ethereum users or contracts. Blockade. The contract owner may terminate or continue the transfer token between the token holder at any time; Miscellaneous - Recovery. Calls to contracts that generate errors do not change user token or Ether balance, except for gas spent on transactions. Limit. Maximum token allowed in circulation and can be set and restricted as well.

CryptoSolarTech comes in the form of a digital currency named CST. The CST Token will go on sale on April 16, 2018 and end on July 14, 2018, at a price of 1 CST equivalent to 0.1 EURO. The token purchase itself can be done with foreign currency such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple and FIAT. Do not forget, get also purchase bonuses at certain time period.

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CryptoSolarTech itself is the result of teamwork led by Pablo Alonso, the CryptoSolarTech team strives to provide their best capabilities in this project. In addition, the team also strives to provide the best benefits and services, to anyone interested in joining the project.

So that's all for review our ICO project for this time, hopefully can increase your knowledge in choosing the best project ICO to you invest. If you are interested in joining this project, or intend to buy a token in the sale. You can visit their official website and page below:

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