Rabu, 27 Juni 2018

DarcMatter - The Future of Decentralized Financial Services

While traditionally there has been a lot of negative focus around the alternative fund industry, which consists of hedge funds, private equity funds and venture capital funds, the reality is that alternative funds become one of the most important asset classes in the world. Alternative investment assets are loosely defined as something that does not fall into the cash basket, equity or traditional bonds. Thus the term is used to cover exotic assets such as luxury goods, art, wine etc. Of these, the most widely used and sought from the outset has been the asset of a class alternative fund.

Historically, there was a large concentration of investment into this asset class by institutional investors and only the richest of investors. This is due both to the underlying cultural tone underlying this asset class, as well as tough regulatory restrictions that require these funds to be highly personal, in return for a more relaxed regulation. However, with the increasing amount of available data in real-time the traditional paradigm of portfolio development is no longer enough and the inclusion of alternative funds becomes important for all investors. This is still plagued by difficulties in access, transparency and cost that make it extremely difficult for fund managers and investors to connect in a smooth, cost-effective and transparent way.

Key Issues with Industry, The industry of alternative funds and alternative investments in general have historically faced many criticisms and challenges because of their opacity, difficulties in accessing and overseeing compliance costs that have increased over time. Since it has become an asset class for all investors, this problem has come and has brought the industry to the brink of necessary change.

Lack of Transparency Alternative funds have lesser-known transparency in their history. It has been traditionally driven by regulatory circumstances as well as the underlying tone of the industry. At the outset, alternative funds such as hedge funds, private equity funds and venture capital funds, were provided for the most sophisticated, well-blessed, and wealthiest of all investors. Industrial opacity creates major problems such as the collapse of the Long-Term Capital Management and the Madoff Ponzi Fraud Scheme. Billions, if not trillions of dollars, have been lost in this opacity, with no effort to create a broad industry scheme to protect privacy and secrecy as necessary, while being able to analyze the entire industry from a macro perspective to mitigation risk and make informed decisions.

Complex and Growing, Global Rule The state of financial regulation is constantly flooding with growing global regulation at an accelerated pace to follow investor protection requirements and a dangerous pace in the proliferation of new financial products. However, this complex and growing global regulation currently holds everything constant for the method in which new investors and financial products interact. Massive reforms need to happen for investors and fund managers to have an entirely new methodology to interact through blockchain, to be achieved by DMCs.

Completely Offline, Interaction Currently almost 100 percent of all interactions between investors and fund managers are done offline and through physical documents. All documents are often customized to meet certain requirements, which may or may not be required. The offline nature of this interaction creates a lot of room for error and leads to an increase in opacity as mentioned in Section 3.2.1.

Future Growth Over the last three decades, alternative industries have matured to become an integral part of the global financial and economic system.2 Although this can also be driven by macro factors, many changes also arise from increased access to real-time information and data and explosion in the number of nodes created in financial services through the advent of technological changes. By 2020, global wealth is expected to reach US $ 220 trillion from $ 150 trillion today. Along with this global wealth explosion, the need and inclusion of alternative assets for the investor portfolio will also continue to grow. As the importance of alternative funds continues to grow, the need for further transparency, security and compliance will also increase, which can be effectively provided through blockchain and DMC.

Image result for DarcMatter ico how it works

DarcMatter is a fully decentralized platform for the alternative fund investment industry. The goal is to provide transparency, security, and compliance in the global industry. This platform uses NEM blockchain technology. By transferring transactions to blockchain, DarcMatter hopes to improve efficiency and transparency in the alternative fund investment industry.

This platform was established in 2014 and has an existing business that provides cross-border investment opportunities. Some of his clients include Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan among other global agencies. DarcMattter allows investors and asset managers to access an alternative class of fund assets. The platform has an easy-to-use interface. This is in the process of developing a blockchain based ledger system that will be used to eliminate inefficiencies. The platform will also enable investors and individuals to connect actively which will eliminate existing international and geographic boundaries.

Features of Alternative Crypto Investment Codes DarcMatter include: The use of NEM blockchain technology that ensures cross-border investment capability in alternative fund investment industries; Investors will be able to access funds assets in a transparent and secure manner; This platform allows tracking of documentation for multi logging and consensus; Additional investment classes are distributed on the platform.

The advantages we can get from the DarcMatter Platform: The Global Platform - DarcMatter is already a fully functional platform with over 1300 global investors. DarcMatter is also an award-winning platform that has won the award for the top Fintech platform in more than four countries; This Platform Is a Growing Industry - The investment fund industry has grown because investors are looking for alternative sources of investment. DarcMatter solves the challenge of transparency and security in the industry. Investors can now embrace technological reforms in the sector and earn huge profits.

Ability to Provide Additional Functions - The DarcMatter platform can link P2P payments and enterprise solutions to financial institutions such as banks. The development teams that are part of this project provide easy access to alternative fund investments for investors that enable them to obtain high returns in alternative fund investment platforms; Transparency and Security - The use of NEM blockchain enables security and transparency in the DarcMatter platform. Investors will benefit from the important evidence (POI) that allows for verification of transactions and miners.

Image result for DarcMatter ico how it works

DarcMatter is the first truly decentralized global platform for the alternative fund investment industry. DarcMatter already has a global presence with the use of more than 24 different countries. Given the global reach and use of DM, this team is keen to create platform solutions that include advanced technology.

While there is much development, many tasks in alternative funding spaces are still considered manual and require the participation of many intermediaries and service providers to provide the necessary compliance, security and transparency for investors to connect with non-public alternative funding opportunities.

The distributed ledger developed by DarcMatter has the ability to transform the multi-trillion dollar industry from an era defined by documentation, opacity and information asymmetry, into one that will be characterized by transparency, security and trust in an unprecedented way. seen before.

The management of DarcMatter, its employees, directors and / or affiliates makes no representations or warranties regarding the continuity of the cryptocurrency market or its future prospects. The crypto currency exchange for the DarcMatter token in no way represents stock ownership, future investment and / or contractual contract between DarcMatter and contributor companies. Any future projections and anticipated roadmaps are projections and should not be considered as facts. The management of DarcMatter, its employees, its directors and / or its affiliates makes no representations or warranties with respect to this future financial projection or otherwise.

DarcMatter comes in the form of a digital currency dubbed DMC. The DMC Token will go on sale from June 16, 2018 to June 30, 2018, at a price of 1 DMC equivalent to 0.02 USD. The token purchase itself can be done with foreign digial currency such as ETH. Do not forget, get also purchase bonuses at certain time period.

DarcMatter itself is the result of teamwork co-led by Sang Lee, DarcMatter strives to provide their best capabilities in this project. In addition, the team also strives to provide the best benefits and services, to anyone interested in joining the project.

DarcMatter has been designed and created by a team of highly experienced technology experts. Team members bring together expertise that gives them an in-depth understanding of the challenges many crypto companies face including legal, regulatory and compliance issues.

So that's all for review our ICO project for this time, hopefully can increase your knowledge in choosing the best project ICO to you invest. If you are interested in joining this project, or intend to buy a token in the sale. You can visit their official website and page below:

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