The energy sector is facing a paradigm shift, moving from a centralized structure with large power plants (hydro, coal, gas and nuclear) to a decentralized scenario of distributed energy resources (DER), such as solar and wind. Within this framework, a new actor emerges, the prosumer, a household or organization that sometimes produces surplus energy and feeds into the distribution network; while at other times (when their energy needs exceed their own production) they consume energy from the grid. The transition to a prosumer driven power network can be very bumpy.
Lack of centralized planning and increased intermittent electricity production at lower levels of the grid because the penetration of solar generation increases the pressure on power distribution networks. This can cause severe power quality problems, especially voltage violations and congestion, with which the distribution system operator (DSO) needs to overcome them. These problems are intensified by the increase in electricity consumption due to electric heat pumps and electric vehicles, which further increase the oscillation of power in the distribution network.
To solve this problem a significant investment in network infrastructure is expected. This could trigger a business called "death spiral", or "grid defection" because prosumers reduce their regular energy consumption from the central grid in favor of the energy they produce themselves. In addition, they can install batteries to further enhance their energy independence.
Most likely, these subscribers will remain dependent on the central network for emergency use or peak power usage, so utility companies must operate expensive infrastructure and power-generating capabilities even when revenues from energy consumption decline. This bleak scenario is not the future we want for ourselves or our children: the future with a widening gap between autonomous proponents, almost completely cut off from the rest of the power grid, and the simple energy consumers being forced to pay for networks more expensive and inefficient.
The current electrical energy market should be able to manage the stochastic power injection from Distributed Energy Resources (DER). To reduce this injection, DSO currently uses a simple indirect method, which consists of a bi-level energy tariff, ie the purchase price of energy from the grid is higher than the selling price of energy to the grid. This encourages individual prosumers to increase their self-consumption.
However, this is not efficient in terms of regulating the aggregate strength profile of all prosumers. A more effective way to leverage the flexibility of actors to increase their own energy production or reduce their energy consumption from the grid would explicitly define common energy targets for the aggregate strength profile of prosumers. Experts should be given economic incentives to comply with targets. Depending on the economic benefits associated with production and consumption options, prosumers can choose how to use their flexibility.
An unmet need in the energy field is the ability to accurately predict production and energy consumption. Accurate estimates of the aggregate energy portfolio of prosumers will represent substantial benefits to energy providers, such as energy retailers, power suppliers, or entities responsible for balancing energy networks, as it will reduce uncertainty when they bid to buy energy in energy. market. To ensure the accuracy of the forecast, energy providers can pay experts for compliance with this forecast.
Paid to comply with their energy forecast, is one of the revenue streams for prosumers. Another income stream comes from the possibility of creating a Community of Consumption-Own (SCC), which buys / sells energy as a single entity on the grid.

Hive Power is developing a system that will allow energy consumers to create an energy community from which they can share energy with each other on the Ethereum blockchain. The platform further acts as a decentralized autonomous organization from which it will create possibilities for energy-sharing communities with all participants guaranteed to benefit from participating in energy blockchain platforms.
Here are some of Hive Power's features: Open platform- Hive Power will allow the incorporation of third-party software and hardware manufacturers to use their platforms; Market design - such structures allow any extra trading of energy among users, enhance cooperation within the Hive; Grid-friendly structure- The Hive Power energy ecosystem works according to everyday networks.
Micro-grids-Hive Power will have micro-grid integration to enable safe and optimal energy trading operations. In addition, this will also facilitate the most reliable techniques for energy asset management; Hive Power Algorithm- the platform algorithm (HONEY) allows users to exploit the flexibility of matching production and energy consumption, in maximizing people's welfare.

Hive Power's energy ecosystem consists of a distributed energy market with an exchange for energy production and consumption. The most basic component of the platform is Workers. It is a Ethereum-based power meter equipped with oracle hardware. Each nest or energy network gets its own Ethereum meter connecting to energy consumers. Workers measure and ensure that energy production and consumption are appropriate, enabling it to join the Hive energy market.
On the other hand, Hive token manages the use of smart contracts plus the creation of Hives energy and meters. The open structure that comes with the Hive Power platform will allow for multiple token applications including among others: Control and management of Hive operations; Technical governance of the Hive power platform; As payment mode for transactions in Hives.
The following are the advantages we can get from Hive Power's pltaform: Decentralization - enabling users to regain control of how they spend their energy, and from whom they decide to produce it. That's mainly because of the nature of blockchain technology; Reliability - rather than relying on the current monopoly energy market, consumers can choose from multiple vendors Increased profitability for energy producers thanks to fewer transaction costs Sustainable energy consumption because it can identify how much they spend on energy Guaranteed benefits for producers and consumers are the same as an energy efficient market.

The vision of effort is to give everyone the possibility to create and supervise the electrical energy network on the Ethereum blockchain, making the energy universe together for a brighter future. For actors who take part in energy networks, Hive Power will lower energy taxes and reduce sustainable resource recovery times. This will allow pitching adaptation capabilities as support from the administrator framework, to help them customize the matrix.
The goal of Hive Power is to create an energy sharing network in which all members are guaranteed to benefit from their investment, and meanwhile achieve special and monetary goals for the entire network. This is done by understanding the ad components (which are scientifically solid) that encourages members to cooperate with each other by regulating the creation and utilization of their energies.
Hive Power demonstrates the potential to solve the monopolistic nature of our energy sector through the creation of the blockchain energy community. The paradigm shift in our energy sector makes that effort a consideration, and it can not come at a better time. Time seems to have matured to move into decentralized structures for our energy environments.

Hive Power comes in the form of a digital currency named HVT. The HVT Token will go on sale from June 12, 2018 to June 30, 2018, at a price of 1 HVT equivalent to 0.25 USD. The token purchase itself can be done with foreign digial currency such as ETH. Do not forget, get also purchase bonuses at certain time period.
Hive Power itself is the result of teamwork in pianim by Gianluca Corbellini, Hive Power strives to provide their best capabilities in this project. In addition, the team also strives to provide the best benefits and services, to anyone interested in joining the project.
Hive Power has been designed and created by a team of highly experienced technology experts. Team members bring together expertise that gives them an in-depth understanding of the challenges many crypto companies face including legal, regulatory and compliance issues.

So that's all for review our ICO project for this time, hopefully can increase your knowledge in choosing the best project ICO to you invest. If you are interested in joining this project, or intend to buy a token in the sale. You can visit their official website and page below:
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