The value of social networks, such as LinkedIn, comes from individuals who use the network. The network users lend their value to the platform - without them the platform can not develop. Most platforms are free for users with revenue streams from ads or services that monetize user data. That said, users - who often spend time on platforms that curate their profiles and add valuable content - barely receive a share of monetary benefits, are instead imposed on corporate sponsors (eg, LinkedIn).
User data encourages platform value without users being rewarded sufficiently for their respective data. In addition, since networks such as LinkedIn guide the professional profile of businesses and individuals, providing participation incentives is key because it increases the value of business and ultimately the platform.
A resume is usually the first point of contact owned by a potential candidate with a candidate. They contain key aspects we want to show about our professional profile. Resumes are very important and will likely continue to hold weight for the foreseeable future.
However, in today's world, it has become common for falsifying or misinformed about resumes. Responsibilities exist for companies to comb the resume and use background verification and reference checks to ensure that all otherwise valid. Key chain technologies have, for the first time, enabled an easily integrated and scalable solution where everyone can have unchanged and synchronized digital books. We believe that it is the right time to build a protocol that allows people to verify the resumes and recommendations supported on blockchain.
It provides a simple yet powerful solution for those who are looking for work and lease space. The new paradigm will appear to encourage increased confidence in what we read online about other people's professional profiles. In addition, since this protocol is supported by blockchain, it is possible to verify cryptographic information as and when necessary.
Although there are some use cases that can arise after the system is implemented, the main focus is on developing strong protocols that help solve important problems in the recruitment and validation process.
Reference checking is a way that enables potential employers to check the validity of the information that the candidate has provided in his resume. The information provided varies and may include previous work experience, educational information, special projects, and skills of the candidate.
Claims made by the candidate must be verified by the party having the information to verify it. For example, a candidate mentions going to a certain university - the information needed to verify only exists at the university.
Therefore, the university must prove the information provided - with implicit trust in the fact that the university carries out the necessary due diligence before proving it. This is a combination of attestation that complements the required reference checks for a candidate. This endorsement may vary - they may involve schools, colleges and even certain individuals.
Reference checking and endorsements are time-consuming and costly - there are currently limited practical methods for assessing the quality or reliability of those claims aside from manual verification or third party verification service engagement. The current attestation system is also inadequate when dealing with false or inaccurate credentials - this can involve many intermediaries and are vulnerable to fraud. The risk of fraud increases if approval occurs across national boundaries or when translation is required (eg, university records).
The reputation system is a program that allows users to judge each other in the online community to build trust. The reputation system is crucial for systems in which trust must be established without the personal knowledge of the individual. This system allows individuals to have a certain level of trust in a person.

The Spring Project Foundation builds Spring's network from the ground up, all the while taking into account all the interests. Users are simply given incentives with SPRING such as supervisors, who ultimately provide very useful and validated resources for recruiters and potential employers, partners, and others. In fact, by giving incentives to users, users are always the main focus of the network.
As a crowdsourcing recruitment platform where individuals can easily and quickly earn rewards, SpringRole hopes to become a resource that can be used to hire entrepreneurs and companies, and platforms to get dream jobs for skilled professionals. To use the platform, job seekers only create certified CVs and place them in blockchain to be accessed by and used by other members on the platform.

Users create profiles detailing individual academic qualifications such as diplomas, professional experience, and proven skills. Users referred by other platform users will be able to apply for an opening given to them by advanced algorithms that match the skills, professionals and qualifications with available job vacancies.
Educational qualifications and details of work experience are verified by educational institutions and companies visited and worked on by users. After one-time verification details, user details are added to the SpringRole blockchain and can be accessed or used at any time. Skills are 'supported' by platform users. The user skill is measured against the skill level of the endorsee then rated. Upon verification and approval of skillsets, changes will only be added to the block after data is received by the sender and receiver.
To realize the SpringRole vision, SpringRole requires methods to map skills effectively on the platform. The platform serves to inform SpringRole about the importance of certain skills and the correlation between two or more different skills. This type of mapping and knowledge naturally goes into the Spring network - giving us a better idea of the skills that certain users have.

The Spring Network will adopt and build an open source "Skill Project" founded by Dario Spagnolo, Guillaume Sylvestre and Raphael Bousquet. Skill Project aims to build the largest, most accurate, multilingual database of skills ever created by enabling diverse and talented communities to contribute their individual skills to a common global skills map.
SpringRole has a Skill Project team and expressed an interest in bringing this project forward and actively developing it. This is the way SpringRolememberi back to the community. The roadmap for the project includes the following: Project Skills; API for developers to use data; Open data sourced under a Creative Commons license; Proof Stake is like a concept for project change.
The Spring Network basically provides a verified resume / profile using blockchain technology and incentive systems. Anything that requires individual resume and / or skill levels can be built on the Spring protocol.
Project Spring Foundation builds protocols for validation (skills, work experience, education, etc.) Based on a reputation network with rewards to individuals and endorsers. The protocol function is enabled by Spring Token ("SPRING") - protocol utility token. Users interact with systems and other users using SPRING. Everything in the system - costs prove / validate, rewards for referring individuals / organizations, and other system transactions - in SPRING currency.
SpringRole comes in the form of a digital currency named SPRING. SPRING tokens will go on sale from May 14, 2018 to May 31, 2018, at a price of 1 SPRING equivalent to 0.00002. The purchase of token itself can be done with foreign digial currency such as Ethereum. Do not forget, get also purchase bonuses at certain time period.

SpringRole was founded by Kartik Mandaville in 2014 when he became a graduate student of the Institute of Language Technology, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. Kartik has a vision to participate in the recruitment industry using advances in artificial intelligence. For three years, SpringRole has built a profitable business with a growing user base and six figures in annual revenue.
SpringRole strives to provide their best capabilities in this project. In addition, the team also strives to provide the best benefits and services, to anyone interested in joining the project.
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