Rabu, 23 Mei 2018

Sandblock - Procotol Satisfaction: Customer Gifts Shaped Crypto

Some businesses spend large amounts of resources trying to understand their customers better, but the tools they have to improve their customer satisfaction often have the opposite effect. This is because customers who have paid for a product or service can easily and easily refuse to provide feedback for free.

Worse, customers who provide feedback are often people who have negative experiences and do not want to return to the same brand. On the other hand, a customer who likes a brand, can provide feedback that loses a feel and can sound biased or fictional. Whether customers are dissatisfied or overjoyed, these people tend to associate their judgments, and businesses can not distinguish what really leads them to their opinions, which makes their feedback difficult to follow up.

The easiest customers to offer actionable feedback are those who can provide a neutral assessment, but they are the ones most likely to spend time providing feedback, and businesses ask them to do it for free, without any incentives.

In addition, the loyalty program landscape is currently in turmoil. Businesses have different implementations, depending on different mechanisms, and in many cases offer useless gifts. The rare loyalty program that offers decent workers is complex enough to allow the entire industry to make money by explaining how to use it, as can be seen with the airline's mileage program.

Most people will not waste their time and money learning how to benefit from a program that should reward their repeated beliefs on a particular brand, especially if there are too many loyalty programs, think about a few things!

Blockchain technology is now mature enough to provide the basis for new customer experience types and the Loyalty Program System. Sandblock will offer customers and business the opportunity to ultimately benefit from the relationships they build, rather than concentrating on trying to take value from that relationship, at the expense of time, money, and each other.

The use of public blockchain as the underlying database of most transactions allows us to be fully transparent with all parties involved and to ensure a high degree of confidentiality to customers while companies can still utilize the large amount of data extrapolated from these transactions. We will further explain in detail our solutions and possible future opportunities using cryptocurrency and underlying blockchain technology.

Blockchain represents a set of algorithms, protocols, and software that work together as distributed ledgers or decentralized databases to maintain digital transaction records. Blockchain technology, such as Bitcoin, enables online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a third party, such as a financial institution. The benefits of a decent, decentralized, public ledger are not limited to the payment field alone and can serve many other functions.

The most important benefit of blockchain is the ability to avoid relying on third parties to create and maintain a reliable system. The nature of decentralized blockchain enables us to enter into transactions and contracts without third parties (such as banks, law firms or escrow services) as all systems are owned and maintained by users. It is important to note that the Ethereum blockchain is an "open" blockchain, meaning anyone can participate in the network and therefore be part of a trust mechanism. This is contrary to the "closed" or "partially closed" blockchain in which the centralized entity decides who can be part of the network and therefore verifies or simply reads the data it owns.

By eliminating or at least reducing the number of third parties involved in transactions and contracts, we can radically reduce the costs associated with such actions. As mentioned above, the Ethereum blockchain is open to anyone who wants to consult with him. So anyone can review all deals and contracts on the network. Transparency of transactions alongside their underlying cost reductions ultimately leads to a higher level of trust because people no longer have to question the third-party motives involved as well as their costs, sometimes, too high.

By eliminating or at least reducing the number of third parties involved in transactions and contracts, we can radically reduce the costs associated with such actions. As mentioned above, the Ethereum blockchain is open to anyone who wants to consult with him. So anyone can review all deals and contracts on the network. Transparency of transactions alongside their underlying cost reductions ultimately leads to a higher level of trust because people no longer have to question the third-party motives involved as well as their costs, sometimes, too high.

Blockchain technology also provides great advantages in terms of pseudonymity. Every user involved in a transaction is hidden behind the "address" which is a random character string. This address represents the user's identity on the network, providing a certain level of anonymity. Like a pseudonym, this address can be expressed by anyone willing to prove their identity to others while it can also be used to avoid sharing any personal information, thus giving people more control over their personal information.

Ethereum blockchain adds a new value, called Smart Contracts, to a common blockchain mechanism. Smart Contracts is a small program run directly on Ethereum blockchain and has the same advantages as the underlying technology. Smart Contracts, such as traditional contracts are formal agreements between two or more parties to deliver goods or services in exchange for some form of consideration.

While traditional contracts require third parties to ensure proper implementation of the terms and conditions, the Smart Contract is designed to be executed automatically and programmatically enforce terms and conditions agreed upon by various parties using blockchain technology. In other words, using Smart Contracts, the term contract can be translated into logical functions that trigger automatically when the specified conditions are met.

This ability offers many advantages to improve customer satisfaction. A Smart Contract can be used to verify that a customer pays for the goods or services the priorto expressly discloses without requesting personal information or collecting information from a payment or trader service provider potentially biased by its direct implications in this particular trade and permitting only certain points of view to be disclosed. The "safe" aspect of the Smart Contract gives us the opportunity to redefine the relationship between many parties, such as business relationships & customers.

This allows them to trust each other and balance their relationship to benefit from what they have built, rather than concentrating on trying to take value from that relationship, at the expense of time, money, and each other.

From a business standpoint, data is a power in the digital economy. The collection and storage of customer data is critical to developing a customer service program that helps businesses grow and expand. Customer data can be used to determine what products or services customers buy, why they buy, and how often they buy.

This data can be used to formulate business strategies such as creating a more personal and fun shopping experience for customers, customized promotions and special offers, enhanced marketing plans, and improved customer service. While correctly using customer data is profitable for any business, there are legal requirements regarding what can be done with the information collected.

Any customer information collected must comply with the privacy laws of the information, whether this information is used or not. The law also covers how this information can be stored and used. Data governance and security are corporate issues that go beyond individual organizations.

Another problem with customer data is who has ownership or access to consumer data. Whether it's an identity, financial transaction, or customer activity, this data set is usually contained in a database of financial institutions (banks) or large corporations (Google, Facebook, etc.). Sandblock aims to provide a detailed and relevant customer satisfaction analysis and the use of customer data is essential for this purpose. Sandblock overcame security barriers and data ownership by utilizing the Ethereum blockchain. As mentioned above, using blockchain technology allows a reliable ecosystem. SAT can be followed by their public address, however, no personal information is revealed, so the data is anonymous.

Image result for Sandblock ico work

Sandblock is a Blockchain technology-based Loyalty Program platform that will be easy to use and aims to offer customers and business opportunities to ultimately benefit from the relationships they build, rather than investing time, money, and effort in extracting value from that relationship.

Sandblock Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) will provide the overall level of customer satisfaction with the simplest metrics to understand the essence of business success. This metric will be represented by a 5 star rating similar to the familiar system used by millions of subscribers every day in the mobile app store (e.g., IOS Appstore, Google Playstore).

Sandblock has excellent features to present to their customers including: Their goal is to balance and redefine the relationship between business and their business; customers by establishing a decentralized protocol to determine, measure, and improve customer satisfaction for the benefit of both parties; They aim to encourage crypto payments by building a reliable decentralized ecosystem, rewarding customers for their involvement and loyalty; Simple mobile apps will allow anyone to use and enjoy the power of blockchain and cryptocurrency; Customers can answer surveys and engage with their favorite brands through games and live in-app contests.

The new things we can get in Sandblock and none on other platforms include: loyalty program all-in-one in one platform; Connection of merchants and customers through blockchain technology; Uphold the privacy of customers by providing anonymous data to merchants to improve their services; Ability to create and trade branded tokens from merchant partners or to confer rights and capabilities; The Company may offer Brand Tokens and emit coupons, vouchers, loyalty points; Customer may use or trade Brand Token to each other and use freely; Merchants can enjoy access to large amounts of anonymous data related to their customers' behavior, and use them to improve their services and better understand their customers.

The core protocol of the Sandblock project is named the Satisfaction Protocol, consisting of sub-sections to address various aspects of Customer Satisfaction related metrics. The protocol is decentralized and based on Smart Contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. The Satisfaction Protocol addresses the most important and sensitive aspects of the Sandblock project token economy, rewards, and various rules set by the merchant.

Protocol Satisfaction provides the ability for merchants to offer a number of branded Tokens at random to customers, either directly using a customer's Etherealum wallet address or indirectly (when customers make purchases outside the chain using fiat currency for example).

The most innovative aspect of this reward mechanism is its indirect approach, as it pushes forward the adoption and cryptocurrency capabilities that are lacking in this white paper. Relying only on cryptocurrency-based interactions would be unreasonable for now and although the future of cryptocurrency sounds promising, it is unrealistic to think that the importance of fiat currencies will begin to diminish in the near future.

There are several ways to implement such a mechanism. The first implementation will depend on the QR code, which is based on a simple secret code encrypted in the Branded Token contract. This is available to first-time users who are able to provide it, in other words, customers with QR codes.

This reward mechanism provides an unlimited ability to apply off-chain and on-chain interactions between merchants and their customers in a consortium (games, contests, donations, etc.). The intricacies of this interaction are not described in this paper and will be discussed on official Sandblock websites and blogs to keep this paper as simple as possible.

Appreciating customers for their feedback through valuations and surveys is essential to improving business-customer relationships. The Satisfaction Protocol gives merchants the ability to conduct research on their customers' satisfaction without friction and give them a gift about their involvement.

The meaning of the word feedback in this section is customer ratings (Net Promoter score or 5-star Customer Action Score), comments (in stores, products or services) or answers to surveys sent by merchants to a group of customers targeted or triggered after a series specific actions. Merchants can configure various parameters such as minimum prizes for customer feedback, requirements for.

The meaning of the word feedback in this section is customer ratings (Net Promoter score or 5-star Customer Action Score), comments (in stores, products or services) or answers to surveys sent by merchants to a group of customers targeted or triggered after a series specific actions. Merchants can configure various parameters such as minimum prizes for customer feedback, requirements for a custom to be able to send feedback and validation rules for feedback to be accounted for.

The following scheme illustrates the customer feedback flow. The Satisfaction Protocol first takes care of the origin of the feedback and ensures that this customer can send it to the merchant, the Merchant protocol (the interface between the customer and the Procol satisfaction - used for most simplification purposes) then applies the rules set by the merchant (eg feedback validation requirements and assessment - detailed later) and trigger related rewards for customers.

This protocol enables partner merchants to collect feedback across key moments of customer experience and track their performance regarding their customer satisfaction. Customers may rate and / or comment on their purchase either directly or after a delay determined by the merchant. This ensures merchants are only reviewed by their customers and give them a gift while avoiding bogus reviews. Different types of scores can be calculated using this protocol, such as the Global Value of the service, Net Promoter Score and Customer Customer Score.

Sandblock comes in the form of a digital currency named SAT. The SAT Token will go on sale from April 25, 2018 to May 16, 2018, at a price of 3,000 SAT equivalent to 1 ETH. The token purchase itself can be done with foreign digial currency such as ETH, BTC and Fiat. Do not forget, get also purchase bonuses at certain time period.

Sandblock itself is the result of teamwork led by Fabrice Bascoulergue who strive to provide their best abilities in this project. In addition, the team also strives to provide the best benefits and services, to anyone interested in joining the project.

Like every successful crypto project that is ABYSS and Perkscoin, SandbIock is built by a team of experienced people. The core team behind the project consists of blockchain people, financial specialists, marketing executives, and business developers. These people work together to create a platform that will change the way customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are recorded and analyzed.

So that' s all our ICO project review for this time, hopefully can increase your knowledge in choosing the best project ICO to you invest. If you are interested in joining this project, or intend to buy a token in the sale. You can visit their official website and page below:

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