The lack of a detailed description of the product is one of the most obvious issues in modern online commerce. Inadequate product descriptions lead to the fact that the buyer chooses to purchase the product on a trading platform, which is more in line with the buyer's requirements. If the product description contains errors, the store is at risk of reputation, caused by buyer dissatisfaction, especially after the item is sold.
A small online store often does not have enough employees, which can place a catalog of goods in sequence. As a solution, various sources of description are used, which on the one hand does not guarantee the accuracy of the information, and on the other hand, in most cases, does not solve the legality problem using this data.
At the same time, if in the early stages of the development of online commerce is quite simple text description, currently not enough. The search system is getting away from the concept of "text search" and more passes to intellectual search, based on a knowledge base, formed from structured data (first, supporting data schema standards).
On the other hand, SEO experts are convinced that the use of such structured data acquires the character of the need, and it can provide long-term competitive advantage that is the goal of search engine optimization. Most major Internet platforms in one way or another already use such structured data, but for various reasons (and, first of all, the lack of complete data) are very limited.
Is the issue relevant for the largest platform? We do research that descriptions of goods for the most popular categories in the largest trading platform are analyzed. Amazon - Especially the description of the text used; Some limited number of properties are specified in the interior structured view, which provides the ability to compare goods; According to the difference between the value of the property for one product model, each seller uses his own description, not based on the standard; One of their examples - the same phone model from different vendors has different properties meaning.
Ali-express - Especially the description of the text used; For additional information, unstructured text and image combinations with property descriptions are used; A number of properties are defined in the interior structured representation; According to the difference between the value of the property for one product model, each seller uses his own description, not based on the standard; With a large number of sellers, the differences in descriptions are very clear, giving rise to doubts that it is a matter of the same item.
Yandex Market - Company employees initially took this issue seriously; they developed a special markup language for the product "YML (Yandex Market Language)"; Nevertheless, most goods do not contain structured property meaning; According to the difference between the value of the property for one product model, each seller uses his own description, not based on the standard; In addition to the problem with the description, there is clearly a problem with choosing the category goods. For example, in the "Car transport> Car" section, the following products are presented: Additives to oil; Model toy car; Mobile Kiosk; Take advantage to bring the dog.
As the example shows, even for large trading platforms, the issue is more than relevant. And if the issue is actual even for large world-level trading platforms, for younger and less global sites, this issue takes on a large and almost unbreakable character.
0penProductDB's solution is to create global databases of goods, using the latest technology in terms of product ontology ( standard), and in relation to their taxonomy (division into categories - GPC standards). At the same time, despite the openness of the base itself, we consider it necessary and necessary to commercialize the project, both to ensure the existence of the project, and to ensure maximum data quality through stimulating authors.
Thanks to the use of crypto-tokens (which are the organizational basis of all aspects of the service), and the orientation for maximum use and systematic improvement in value, we provide the maximum profitability regime for investors. In this case, even in terms of service data disclosure, we are not only oriented to the interests of society, but also thanks to the data licenses selected (CC-BY), we rely on the growing popularity and reputation of the service itself.
Commercial offer - Seller may place their offer on the product description page. At the same time, the minimum price of the arrangement is initially defined as the equivalent of 1 USD per item per month. On the product page, the offer is displayed according to the user's location.
Considering service globalization, we understand that we can not guarantee universal solutions to different price category issues for different products, therefore we consider the best solution to be to use a natural competition process rather than a manual price regulation.
That is. although the same minimum placement price, for all categories of goods and the geographic location of the seller, in fact, the seller's competition for the first place in the placement, will result in a placement price adjustment to local market conditions, depending on demand and supply for a particular product. This approach will maximize both sellers' opportunities in millions of megapolis, and sellers in cities with a thousand inhabitants, working on the mass and globality of our systems.

Open data - Product description uses structured data with the latest standards at. Product descriptions are available in CC-BY license terms. Product descriptions are available in JSON-LD, format. For product categorization (taxonomy), the latest version of the GPC standard is used.
Global - This service was originally created in multilingual, to meet the needs of people from every place on our planet. Early versions of the service will be available in 2 languages. At the start of the first public service version, the service will be available in 5 languages. Description of goods divided by language, while the characteristics of the goods are not different. Regularly increasing the number of languages supported to penetrate new markets is one of our growth strategies.
Profitability - This project receives revenue from a commercial placement - a purchase offer on the product page. The minimum placement price was originally defined as the equivalent of 1 USD per item per month. Offerings are displayed in the order of their placement price reductions. On the product page, an offer matching the user's location will be displayed. Project token payments are stimulated by a discount. When paying with regular money (fiat), a portion of revenue is spent on tokens, which ensures the token price increases.
Payment for author - The author of the product description receives up to 10% of revenue from the commercial placement for this product. The percentage of earnings for authors depends on the quality of the product description. Product description quality can only be estimated by the token owner. Payment to the author is done in the project token, from a special pool.
Price increase for tokens - We do our best to provide a natural process to increase token prices. Using tokens for payments to authors, providing an opportunity to increase trading volume in tokens. Part of the income received in the form of regular money (fiat) is spent on buying tokens, which guarantees the growth of token prices. The use of tokens for voting and payments to the token holder also ensures the growth of the token price. Immediately after the launch of the first public service version, tokens are displayed on the exchange.
Payment to investor - Last but not final. We not only issue tokens, which you can generate, we promise regular payments to the token holder. The size and regularity of payment is determined by selecting the token holder. The first payment for the token holder begins one year after the commencement of ICO. Payment to the token holder is made on a personal wallet at ETH.

0penProductDB comes in the form of a digital currency named OPDB. OPDB tokens will go on sale on April 16, 2018 to May 28, 2018, at a price of 1 OPDB equivalent to 0.001 ETH. The token purchase itself can be done with foreign digial currency such as ETH. Do not forget, get also purchase bonuses at certain time period.
0penProductDB itself is the result of teamwork established by Gennady Nedorezov and Aleksej Jerenkevic, the 0penProductDB team strives to provide their best capabilities in this project. In addition, the team also strives to provide the best benefits and services, to anyone interested in joining the project.
So our ICO project review this time, hopefully can increase your knowledge in choosing the best project ICO to you invest. If you are interested in joining this project, or intend to buy a token in the sale. You can visit their official website and page below:
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